End of the School Year

The library is closed for  inventory, but here are a few good books to read to your classes at the end of the school year.


1.  Last Day of School by Julie Banneberg

By the author of First Day Jitters, this book is just as funny.



2. Let’s Do Nothing! by Tony Fucile

A great introduction to doing a vacation planning project, this hilarious book about two kids who try really hard to do absolutely nothing!



3.  Things I Learned in Second Grade by Amy Schwartz

The perfect book for the end of second grade.  Just wish there was one for every grade!



For more books, check out LibraryThing for books tagged  Last Day of School or End of School

Camping in the Library

This week the theme is camping.  We read Scare a Bear by Kathy-Jo Wargin and Camping Spree with Mr. Magee by Chris Van Dusen.  (I downloaded both of these books from my local public library to my iPad and showed them by hooking up the iPad to a projector. ) I also read the poem “Toasting Marshmallows” from Toasting Marshmallows: Camping Poems by Kristine O’Connell George,  complete with toasting fork and marshmallow.  We also sang  A-Camping We Will Go by Jean Warren .

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Video – Hello Muddah Hello Faddah (song)

S-More Bookmarks

Reading in the Tent – provided an assortment of camping books, which the students were permitted to read in the tent set up in the library.


Froodle by Antoinette Portis

This week we read Not a Box and  Froodle by Antoinette Portis.   We talked about word bubbles and quotation marks prior to reading Froodle.   



Video – Animated version (makes the illustrations move) of  Not a Box

Video – Book Trailer (like a Movie Trailer, advertisement to encourage you to see/read) for Froodle

Draw objects using sheets of paper with different outline of shapes


Odd Egg by Emily Gravett

This week I read several books by Emily Gravett, including Odd Egg, Wolves and Monkey and Me.


We watched the following videos:

Emily Gravett
Author talks about how she became a writer/illustrator and how she came up with the ideas for her books

Rabbit Problem
Emily demonstrates how she uses technology to create the pictures in her book.


Extension Activities:

Odd Egg- Color by Number

Egg Book
Make an egg book – printable pages include decorate an egg, retell the story, important part and alternate ending


Everyone Can Learn to Ride A Bicycle by Chris Raschka

This week I read  Everyone can learn to ride a bicycle by Chris Raschka and Bicycle Safety by Peggy Pancella.  I showed them Chris Raschka’s other books including his books which won the Caldecott Award (Hello, Goodbye Window, Yo! Yes!). We talked about Fiction vs. Nonfiction.  I had a display of fiction books about bicycling, which I explained are arranged by author’s last name and therefore are not all together.  I then pointed out the nonfiction (information) bicycle books which all have the same number (in the Dewey Decimal system) so that they will be together on the shelf.

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Extension Activity: Watch the video on Brainpop – Bicycle Safety (requires log in – username and password) or  Wearing a helmet can save your life